Photo by Toro Tseleng


Tanzania is a country located in East Africa on the eastern coast of the African continent. It is bordered by Kenya and Uganda to the north, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, Zambia and Malawi to the southwest, and Mozambique to the south. To the east, Tanzania has a coastline along the Indian Ocean.

Dodoma is the designated capital of Tanzania, where the government offices are located. However, Dar es Salaam, situated on the eastern coast, is the largest city and a major port, serving as the economic hub

Swahili and English are the official languages of Tanzania. Swahili, also known as Kiswahili, is widely spoken across the country and is a language of unity among Tanzania’s diverse ethnic groups.

Its  population of over 60 million people, makes it one of the most populous countries in Africa. The population consists of various ethnic groups, with major ones including the Sukuma, Chaga, and Maasai.


Tanzania gained independence from British colonial rule on December 9, 1961. Prior to independence, Tanganyika and Zanzibar were separate entities, and they later united to form the United Republic of Tanzania in 1964.

Tanzania operates as a unitary presidential republic. The President serves as both the head of state and head of government, and the political system is characterised by a multi-party democracy.

Tanzania’s economy is diverse, with agriculture playing a significant role. The country produces a variety of crops, including coffee, tea, tobacco, and cashew nuts. Tourism is also a key industry, driven by attractions such as Mount Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti National Park, and Zanzibar’s beaches.

Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, is located in northeastern Tanzania. It is a popular destination for trekkers and climbers, offering different routes to the summit. The mountain is known for its glaciers and stunning views.

The Serengeti is one of Africa’s most famous wildlife reserves, known for its annual migration of wildebeest and other animals. It is home to diverse wildlife, including the “Big Five” (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros).

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area, including the Ngorongoro Crater, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The crater is a natural amphitheater and a haven for wildlife, offering opportunities for safari experiences.

Hidden Insights: Uncovering Tanzania

1. Selous Game Reserve: The Selous Game Reserve in southern Tanzania is one of the largest protected wildlife areas in Africa. It is known for its diverse ecosystems, including woodlands, grasslands, and the Rufiji River.

2. Lake Victoria: Lake Victoria, one of the African Great Lakes, borders Tanzania to the northwest. It is the largest tropical lake in the world and is shared by Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya.

3. Kondoa Irangi Rock Paintings: The Kondoa Irangi Rock Paintings, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are ancient rock art located in central Tanzania. The paintings depict scenes of daily life, animals, and spiritual rituals, offering a glimpse into the region’s prehistoric past.

4. Tanzanite: Tanzania is the world’s primary source of Tanzanite, a blue-violet gemstone. The gem is found in the Merelani Hills near Mount Kilimanjaro and is known for its rare and vibrant colour.

Photo by Jabber Visuals

Photo by Bradford Zak-

Capital City: Dodoma

Population: 65,642,682 (2023 est.)

Nationality: Tanzanian(s)

Location: Eastern Africa, bordering the Indian Ocean

Languages: Kiswahili or Swahili (official), Kiunguja (name for Swahili in Zanzibar), English (official, primary language of commerce, administration, and higher education), Arabic (widely spoken in Zanzibar), many local languages; 

Religion: Christian 63.1%, Muslim 34.1%, folk religion 1.1%, Buddhist <1%, Hindu <1%, Jewish <1%, other <1%, unspecified 1.6% (2020 est.)

Area Total: 947,300 sq km 

Tanzania Embassy/High Commission in UK

Address: 3 Stratford Place, London W1C 1AS


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