Heritage would refer to a possession or an inheritance of sorts—a treasure to be more precise. Cultural heritage as an ideology would therefore entail the value that is attached to culture. What aspects of a certain culture are treasured or preserved? Now culture covers a wide scope and cuts across all races, continents and humanity. You can find cultural practices in South America’s Brazil, in North Africa’s Egypt and right across to the Asians in India.
However even though cultural practices cut across the globe, I do not think there is a place where culture is more guarded or treasured like it is here in Africa.
Imagine all our 50-plus states on the humungous African continent each possessing its own unique and highly valued culture. The thought is overwhelming but exciting at the same time. You take a look at the cultural practices in the Gambia far west of the continent; the Mandinka tribe or look at Botswana in the South with the Swana ethnic group and Eswatini further south which is Africa’s last absolute monarchy as the tale goes and is governed by a king; King Mswati III.

Africa’s cultural heritage is probably the most diverse of all and there is a beauty and flair that comes with this diversity. The understanding that in every new territory you encounter, there’s going to be a new breeze, a new atmosphere, a new sound of music, a new language, an unfamiliar lifestyle and tradition, a new style of leadership as regards the Presidents.
African presidents are a unique aspect of African culture and one that often goes silent yet Presidents are the very power that shapes culture within the African borders. Together all of this forges an experience, an encounter, a memory and an identity which is all so pivotal here in Africa.

When you travel from Malawi, to Kenya, to Ghana, to Morocco, identity is everything. Africa is huge and is all about identity. Identity that is sourced from our cultural heritage and flair. Our culture, our identity, our heritage, our flair and uniqueness in the world. This is what Africa brings to the global plate.
This is what defines Africa.
Our food, our women, our dances, our music, our dressing, our language. For every single African nation or territory that you tread into, you are bound to encounter a new version of each one of these. This is the African pride, the African heritage and the African flair. The African culture is that aspect of our continent that has been passed on from various generations, endured the test of time and still stands to date in the 21st century for an identity.
It is what our great-grandparents treasured and protected ensuring that the future of Africa would not miss out on this aspect. Behold here we are in 2025, a modern-day, contemporary Africa and we are still marvelling at the beauty and flair found in Africa’s unique cultural heritage. Probably and definitely our most sacred asset.
Article by TIM. C. KIRENDA
Kirenda Cosmas Timothy is a Ugandan born Author, blogger, freelance entrepreneur at www.thematterofopinion.com
You can contact Tim on X: @_kirenda Instagram: @kirenda__ LinkedIn: Timothy Kirenda